Best Trap Shooting Ear Plugs – Mark Cox Interview
Best Trap shooting Ear Plugs are ones that you can wear, concentrate and win the match.
It allows you to be your best and that is what Mark was able to do.

Table of Contents
1.1 Interview with Champion Trap Shooter Mark Cox:
It all began for Mark Cox 2 years ago, when he discovered trap shooting as a sport that he could do together with his teenage son, Tyler Cox. Trap quickly became a passion for the father-son duo. Each has quickly risen in their own right to become one of the top shooters in their state of North Carolina. Mark became the 2019 NC state champion in B class; together, he and his son took the 2019 award for NC’s top parent-child team. Mark says the fond memories and strong bonds the two are building as they compete together mean the world to him.
When asked what advice he has for other parents and children who may be interested in the sport, Mark said he recommends several things. First, don’t just go out and buy a shotgun. There are so many different guns out there, and so many different price ranges, that you really need to know exactly what you need for you or your child’s individual situation. He recommends finding a seasoned trap shooting coach to help guide you in purchasing the right shotgun for the sport.
Secondly, he can’t emphasize enough the importance of a good trap shooting coach to teach shooting fundamentals. In the beginning, proper gun mount and site picture have to be learned through repetition. A good trap coach can help you learn those through proper body mechanics, visuals, and mental focus BEFORE bad habits set in. Both he and Tyler learned from renowned coach Jeff Allen. Mark says, “I had grown up rifle shooting and deer hunting, but shotgun sports are an entirely different way of shooting. That is why Jeff has been paramount in our success.”
Thirdly, look for a team to join that can help you grow as a trap shooter and provide opportunities to meet other like-minded people. Tyler not only shoots for his high school team but also joined the elite Carolina Clays, for which Mark is now one of the coaches. Mark wants to point out that teams like the Carolina Clays, which belong to the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP), provide many opportunities for college scholarships. This was an important factor from Mark’s perspective in choosing to align with the Carolina Clays.
Mark also recommends buying the best equipment possible according to your budget. Aside from getting a gun that fits, he says don’t forget about chokes, glasses, and trap shooting ear plugs. Having the right choke in the barrel can give you just enough of an advantage to beat your competition. You can also get a slight advantage with shooting glasses that come in an array of interchangeable lens colors. The colors help visualize the clay targets against various backgrounds on the field.
And don’t forget earplugs! Permanent tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and even hearing loss are possible if you don’t protect your hearing while shooting. Mark is a “big” believer in Big Ear custom earplugs. He never shoots without them.
When asked what parting words Mark had for this interview, he said, “Winners never quit. Quitters never win. Now go bust some clays!”
Written by Kay Roger