Musicians Hearing Loss | All Time High Tinnitus and NIHL
1.1 Musicians Hearing Loss
Musicians Hearing Loss is at an all-time high. As I travel the country and interview incoming freshman in the marching bands were seeing that more than 50% already have Tinnitus and noise-induced hearing loss.
Stevie Vai, Eric Clapton, Brian Johnson, Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, Neil Young, Phil Collins, Will i. Am, Grimes, Chris Martin, George Martin, Danny Elfman, Huey Lewis, And Ozzy Osbourne.
And Other than selling millions of albums, performing in the largest venues on planet earth and influencing the minds of millions of men and women today there is one sinister affliction that all of these giants of music. They all share, Hearing loss, Tinnitus or acute hearing degradation due in part to their exposure to extreme decibel levels while performing recording and participating in high decibel level events for the better part of their entire lives.
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We are now starting to pay attention to this chronic problem that has been rampant in the music industry for the better part of 2oo years. Composers such as Ignaz Holzbauer, Bedrich Smetana, William Boyce and the well-known case of Ludwig van Beethoven. These most recent incidents are not isolated, and hearing degradation has occurred for generations, why is this? Is it a case of our society not caring about those who engage in artistic endeavors and that is why Musicians Hearing Loss is so ramped.

1.2 4 questions to ponder:
- Is it an education issue?
- Is it a complete disregard for one’s health?
- Is it ignorance?
- Is it a combination of all of the above and more?
From our experience at Big Ear after 15 years of attending events that range from motorcycle trade shows to NAM (North American Music Association) and undress of other shows we have the physical evidence to show that Musicians Hearing Loss is affecting all areas of life attributed to a wide range of human faults.
Citing many articles on earring loss is something that hundreds of other sites of which I will share what I have researched in order to provide adequate information on this topic is something that I want to do, however I want people to read this and gain a human understanding of why people are causing themselves damage and give answers to the question of why we do this to ourselves.

To start with the least scientific reason, I will begin by analyzing the core folly of what we see at most motorcycle events; ego the big hairy monster that causes humans to err in the wildest of ways. The same ego that leads men and women to do dangerous and sometimes disastrous actions is at fault when it comes to their failure to protect their hearing. “Earplugs are for pussies.” Some think, “I want to be able to hear my pipes.” Is another public offhand comment thrown our way? “What, I can’t hear you right now, my hearing is to far gone.” The fact that we hear these at most motorcycle events we attend is astounding and disturbing at the same time.
However, Musicians Hearing Loss in the world of music, we find that there is a separate culprit which is a legitimized claim by extremely high-level musicians the occlusion or the altering of pitch that causes musicians to misjudge or misinterpret their tempo, cues or place in the music which can lead to them to losing their position and career. In the tradition of samurais, this would lead to harakiri we now have unemployed artists.
However this does not explain the disconnect and the reason why these issues are not solved, they seem to be brushed under the rug and designated as artists issues and in the long run, it is creating a whole host of health issues that will continue for their entire life. We must do something today to educate.