Preschoolers Are Causing Noise-Induced Hearing Loss And Hyperacusis In Teachers
Preschoolers are causing noise-induced hearing loss and hyperacusis in teachers researchers have found that Seven out of ten female preschool teachers suffer from Noise-induced auditory fatigue, one out of two has difficulty understanding language along with four out of ten become hypersensitive to noise.
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This is a considerably greater share than girls in general and higher than in occupational groups exposed to sound, based on research in Sahlgrenska Academy, Sweden. “We have an occupational group with much higher risk for those signs, and when nothing is done about it, then it is really alarming. We must lower sound levels, have a calmer preschool,” states Sofie Fredriksson, an audiologist with research from the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Department at Sahlgrenska Academy.
In continued work on her dissertation, she has analyzed preschool teachers. The corresponding share in the control group (4,122 girls ) was 32 percent. Within the group, 46 percent, had trouble understanding speech, compared with 26% of the control group. Thirty-nine percent stated at least one time each week they experienced discomfort or bodily pain in their ears out of everyday sounds that aren’t necessarily loud in any way.
The corresponding share with hyperacusis in the management group was 18 percent.
Preschool educators are vulnerable to voices and yells which frequently convey significant information, a communication-intensive sound that’s difficult to screen out. Contrary to a machine in a commercial environment, To protect teachers from these dangerous decibels a compromise must be implemented, Sofie Fredriksson highlights.
It isn’t just about how large the groups of children are, but also about opportunities for good periods spent outdoors and much more. The imidate solution is Custom Hearing Protection Devices.
We have created a solution called “The One.” It is a patented Custom Hearing Protection Ear Plug that is very discrete and made for all day use where you can hear your students perfectly and when there is an instant outbreak you are adequately protected without having to do anything. It is a dual filter that is always working for you, keeping you protected at all times. The main issue is if we don’t learn from this and take a stand now and do something about it today, we will continue to cause more teachers to get hearing damage. This does fall under OSHA regulations, with enough noise about this we can save our upcoming educators.

It is the responsibility of the institutions to make the correct Personal Hearing Protection Devices available to Teachers as they would a factory worker until they can implement better noise control in the schools.
Personal hearing protection that works is available now.
It is the same as being regulated to provide Custom Hearing Protection for the Band Directors and Music Teachers according to this CDC REPORT. So if you start using the best earplugs for musicians then every musician must be able to protect hearing.
We have the solution we just need help implementing it. Please spread the word and share this.