Who Should Wear Ear Plugs & Who Should Not Wear Ear Plugs
Table of Contents

1.1 Who Should Wear Ear Plugs?
The politically correct answer is everybody, but in reality, we understand that not everyone has the tolerance to Wear Ear Plugs or in-ear music devices and we are okay with that.
For those who are active users of earplugs or are considering using them, the best way to convey the serious nature of protecting your ears is paramount.
If you ride motorcycles, work in loud environments, are a frequent concert goer, perform in a band, shoot weapons, or a myriad of other lifestyle choices, you can only benefit by wearing a form of hearing protection while you partake in any of these activities.
But the question arises, “Why should I wear ear plugs?”
The answer is not always straightforward.
If you analyze what we are as a species and how our thought processes work you can enlighten yourself on why so many of us suffer from fully preventable damage to our ears.
1.1.1 The disconnect in our perception of hearing damage
From our distant ancestors up to our current forms, we naturally understand immediacy and it is in our nature to understand that things such as broken bones, cuts and other forms of degradation that produce the immediate result of blood, pain, or death.
These experiences are in our brains translate into lessons learned and ultimately changed habits that reduce the risk of having those negative consequences happen again. However, we are not always the most responsible with factors that contribute to the long-term degradation of our bodies and do not register immediately.
1.1.2 How Hearing Damage Occurs
Hearing damage, and the consequences that arise from a lifetime of poor hearing protection arise just like the habits that lead to cardiovascular disease, obesity or fatty livers.
The damage comes from a lack of attention and either inaction on the part of the individual even after receiving warnings or due in part to total ignorance of the consequences of one’s actions.
As in every aspect of human life, we must take hold of our habits and build positive habits into our lifestyles. Just being on this site and reading these words is the first step, what follows is up to you whether you choose to make hearing conservation a consistent part of your life or not lies in your hands.
1.1.3 Who Should Not Wear Ear Plugs?
As much as we would love to say that custom earplugs are for everybody, the truth is they are not.
We are constantly faced with individuals who cannot wear earplugs due to sensitivity in the ear or just simply do not want to have anything in their ears while living their lives and taking part in activities that cause hearing damage and we understand.
From experience, we find that our most fulfilled customers are those who do their research and take the time to educate themselves on hearing conservation and make the decision to purchase a set of earplugs or stereo earplugs based on their findings.
On the flip side, we find that our most dissatisfied customers are those who either were forced by friends or family to purchase a set.
As a result, they may have won the ear plugs in raffles or drawings and we have concluded that hearing health and conservation is not something that can be forced, it is a long process to fully integrate into the habit of protecting oneself.
We ourselves struggle at times to be perfect with our protection. However, as is understood in psychology, recognition of the problem is the first step to resolving the issue and we have dedicated our life work to recognizing and eliminating the devastating effects of noise-induced hearing loss.