Why Custom Sleeping Ear Plugs Are The Best
1.1 5 Reasons that Custom Sleeping Ear Plugs are Best
Now that we’re adults it becomes increasingly difficult to get a good nights rest, between the normal everyday stresses of family, bills, work, and the ever impending clock of life ticking away our years, there are only a small handful of ways in which we can disengage and take our attention away from the things that trouble us and find time for peace. Some of us choose meditation, some choose movies and t.v and others choose reading or painting. Myself I choose to sleep, and when I get a goods nights sleep I am able to allow my subconscious mind free.
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And over the years I have dedicated myself to finding the most comfortable ways to sleep. In my efforts to have the best nights rest possible I am willing to try almost anything. From eye masks to scented oils, darkened windows and melatonin my ambition to find the perfect rest is something I take seriously. It wasn’t until 2004 when I began to wear earplugs that I entered into a truly deep and restful sleep. This was around the time when I began my company Big Ear and I entered into the world of making custom earplugs and custom stereo ear plugs and over the last 15 years I have dedicated myself to creating the greatest products on the planet for personal hearing protection, and I want to share with you why I believe that you too can benefit from wearing custom earplugs.
A great product that we have found is deep and restful sleep. If one of the reasons you need earplugs is a snoring partner then this just might be the answer for you.

1.2 Why you must ave Custom Sleeping Ear Plugs
1. The Fit: It takes only seconds to put custom earplugs in your ears. Just a little twist and they slip smoothly down your ear canal, and boom they’re in. The quality of the fit and feel is unmatched by any kind or fits all solution on the market.
2. The Seal: Now you have your Ear Plugs in, chose how you want to sleep. Sleep on your back, switch to your side, flip over on your side. You see it does not matter, and you can’t get them to come out. If you slide your face across your pillow, they don’t move, shift or come out.
3. No ear Fatigue: It doesn’t matter if you are taking a cat nap at the airport, Sleeping in a hotel, tent, trying to catch a few winks or want to sleep the weekend away, you can wear them for as long as you like. Since their down in your ear canal and custom made just for you, they don’t move or slip.
4. Consistency: Once you use them for a few days and get used to how quiet they really are, your mind learns to shut down quickly. Slide in your Custom Sleeping Ear Plugs close your eyes, and you drift right off to sleep. It is the same every time. It never changes because one is in deeper than the other, they don’t pop out. You don’t hear them on the pillow.
5. Longevity: Because they are made just for you they are built to last 5 to 7 years of daily use. They are not trying to expand in your head, not poking you, or scratching on the pillow.
6. Savings: If you look at the initial investment, you pay one time and you’re done. No more running out, no more finally drifting off to sleep only to be awakened because one fell out and now what is keeping you awake is back. No more having to figure out how to place your head just right not to cause pain and not pull them out.
7. Limited Over Protection: The sound reduction that you will receive is in the 30dB range. It will also depend on your personal hearing loss as to what the actually perceived sound reduction is, but, you can still hear the dog bark, the maid at the door, and other important sounds that you must hear. If you’re already using earplugs, you will understand what wearing earplugs sound like, if you are not familiar with wearing ear plugs there is a break in time of about one week for your brain and body to adjust.
8. Convenience: When you wear earplugs to bed nothing is worse than having spent 5 to 10 minutes rolling up an earplug and jamming it in your head and hoping that the seal will be tight and even for both ears. Sometimes it is and sometimes it’s not so you have to restart and by the time you get both out, you’ve dropped one on the floor and the other is lost in the sheets. With custom earplugs, you just open the case twist or slide in your earplugs and lay back on your pillow and fall into a deep and restful sleep.